This class is to remain as close to STOCK as possible.
If you have questions please call and ask first.
The race car must pass safety tech to be allowed on the track. This is where your primary focus and responsiblity needs to be.
All engine components must remain stock. 360 cubic inch max. No 400 blocks.
Engine must be in stock location.
No siamese blocks.
All engines must be of stock bore and stroke (.060 max. over bore).
No dome pistons.
Flattop or dished pistons only.
Vortec cylinder heads are permitted.
GM-350 CID, castings 487/882/997/624/126/493/185/339/441/993
GM-305 CID, castings 434/450/416/896/520/601
Engine quest head CH3501 for GM & CH318B for Chrysler.
Combustion chambers must remain within 3CCs of stock.
No porting or polishing permitted.
All heads must remain stock valve size. Intake 1.940 Exhaust 1.500
Single valve spring only.
Valve springs must be of stock diameter and height.
Guide plates and screw in studs are allowed.
Stamped steel rocker arms only.
Poly locks allowed.
Stock steel retainers only.
Pin studs are allowed.
No milling or cutting of valve spring seats to allow the use of larger valve springs.
No gear or belt driven camshafts.
Cams must be hydraulic/non-roller only.
Holley 4412 carburetor only.
Intake manifold may be cast iron or aluminum dual plane (no high rise).
7-quart oil pans permitted.
Fan shroud required.
Engine set back will be measured from rear trailing holes in the frame to the back of the block. Measurement is 76.5 inches.
All ignition components must be unaltered.
Only 12-volt ignition systems permitted.
Only one 12-volt battery securely mounted, with both terminals covered, will be permitted.
Ignition boxes or performance chips are not allowed.
Starter must be mounted in stock location on the engine.
Tachometer, oil pressure and water temperature guages permitted.
Driveshaft must be painted white.
Driveshaft must be steel.
Driveshaft loops - no more than 12" pass the front yolk.
Stock replacement clutch, peddles and master cylinders are allowed.
Manual transmissions must run explosion proof bell housing.
Automatic transmissions must run explosion proof blanket or quarter inch steel scatter shield over converter.
All gears must be operational.
No aftermarket or altered transmissions are allowed.
Only 12" torque converters are allowed.
Mini-type clutches and/or couplers are not permitted.
Transmission coolers in the driver compartment are not permitted.
Locked rear ends are required.
No limited slip differentials.
Trailing arms must remain stock with stock bushings. Lower trailing arm mounting location can be no lower than 3.5" below the bottom of the rear axle.
Cambered rear ends are not permitted.
Your personal TRANSPONDER is mandatory and must be located on the back right side of the rear axle tube.
Cars must have a full firewall between fuel cell and driver.
Pump gas, racing gas, and E85 only. No alcohol, nitrous oxide, nitrous methane, and propylene oxide.
Performance additives will not be permitted.
All cars must be stock.
No hearses, station wagons, convertibles, commercial vehicles or foreign cars allowed.
Full frames only.
Rear frame rails may be upgraded for additional fuel cell safety.
Roll cage; full six point roll cage from center to rear axle must be used, rear loop from frame to frame allowed. No set back or offset cages allowed.
Four door bars on the left and three door bars on the right are mandatory. Bars must be made of 1.50 inch O.D. X .095 inch thickness.
A fire extinguisher needs to be safely mounted within the drivers reach. A fire suppression system is recommended.
No driver compartment adjustments.
Removable weight will be allowed.
Must be painted white, include the car # and be securely mounted with a minimum of two (2) half inch Grade 8 bolts.
Minimum weight with driver 3200 pounds.
Cars must have stock appearing steel or aluminum bodies.
Firewall and floor pan stock or after market steel of same thickness in stock locations.
Windshield must have a minimal of three vertical bars spaced 6" apart on the drivers side. No glass or plastic.
All doors must be welded or pop riveted shut.
Tow chains or cables are mandatroy and must be easily accessible for a tow truck.
No mirrors allowed.
All spoilers must be five inches tall.
Two side supports, no taller than five inches by 15 inch long by 2 inches high in front.
Maximum car width at any point is 70 inches.
All cars must look professional per Shadyhill Speedway tech.
The interior must remain open. No boxing of interior permitted.
A maximum of 8" wide steel racing wheel will be permitted.
A bead lock will be permitted on the right front and right rear tires only.
Must run 9/16 inch minimum studs with 1 inch lug nuts.
Tires must be radial, DOT, street-type only.
Siping of tires is permitted.
Grooving of tires will not be permitted.
Only approved wheel discs are allowed. Approved wheel discs are wheel discs that are fastened to the wheel using a minimum of (3) 1/4" or 5/16" diameter magnetic steel hex head bolts.
Approved fastening systems
a) Keyser manufacturing part no. 1007-101
b) Wehr's machine part no. WM377A-312 aluminum 5/16 or WM377S-312 steel 5/16.
c) Triple X Chassis part no. SC-WH-7810 or SC-WH-7820
d) Smith Precision Products part no. MC-516-18
Racing shocks and springs must be stock mounted in stock location.
Rear weight jacks are optional.
Shocks-steel bodied, stock appearing. All shocks must completely collapse at all times. No more than $250 per shock.
A stock replacement upper control arm, made by U-B Machine part no. 14-0809-5R, 8 inch (right) or part no. 14-0829-6L, 9 inch (left) that have a steel cross shaft will be allowed.
Quick steers allowed.
After market power steering pumps and reservoirs allowed.
Steering wheel with quick release is required.
Collapsible steering shaft is recommended.
Minimum three wheel brakes, stock appearing steel calipers, steel non-scalloped rotors.
If your car fails mandatory brake check you will not be allowed to race until it is repaired.
Optional- racing brake pedals with dual master cylinders. No bias adjustability permitted.
Any approved racing seat is permitted, a full containment seat is recommended.